Rubies and Purls

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Finished winding!

Well, today's a very good day. Jhoneil's in town, very yay, as he's such a good friend online, and he's way sweet. Bonus, he's in a giving mood so he sprang for a box of Marie's watercolours. They're these good watercolours from China. I like them cuz I can make vibrant washes and use them kind of opaque, but they only cost like $7.00 a set!

Anyhoo, on track and to the point. I just finished winding that 4oz of JaggerSpun SuperLamb. Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

I was aiming to wind a center pull ball, but there's just so much of it. It's more like a pull-skein, but will unwind from the outside as I've been assured that's the best way to prevent tangles.

I'm just hoping I didn't put a whole bunch of tangles in while winding.

Oooh, good news! My order of Aqua Moon coloured(added the u as it's how it's spelled in the UK) lace weight cashmere/merino yarn was processed yesterday, or maybe was the day before? All I know is I got the email yesterday :D. Looks like I'll be getting the free sample pack too, even though I do think that was my error in reading, like a bizarre lack of comprehension. Strange since I normally have excellent reading comprehension.

Even if he just puts in the tiny skeins and not the mini, that's cool. If no samples come, I'll be mildly dissapointed, but will understand :D.

Turns out the ColourMart laceweight has more yardage per ounce than the SuperLamb and the SuperLamb's touted as being cobweb weight. Hmmmm. I just bought a set of Addi in 0000 size. I'm working at relaxing my tension while knitting. My shoulder's been giving me fits, with numbness down my arm. I think relaxing my tension will make for even knitting and be good for my shoulder.

I read that tiny needles with relaxed tension is equal to using size 2-3 with a tighter tension. At any rate it's impressive, "look what I knit on 0000 needles!" hehehe.


Monday, November 06, 2006

It's He-e-re!

It just arrived! My lovely 4oz of JaggerSpin Super Lamb! I'm all giddy. 4 whole ounces of cobweb weight yarn!

Now I see what someone in the Knitter's Review forums was talking about, at least after their cobweb weight from ColourMart UK arrived. Well now, first off it's nice it's really nice. My mom felt the unknit skein and said it felt rough. Um, nope, not really. A cursory neck, ear, inner-elbow, cuddle, reveals it to be quite soft.

So why does she think it's rough? Prolly cuz the first natural yarn I let her cuddle was some Misti Alpaca Lace. At any rate this stuff is actually quite soft and about 1/2 the thickness of the misti lace. I also think it has to do with there being so many strands of it, they almost look like the yarn for crewel embroidery. Heck, they might be the same yarn I don't know.

It's shiny, and all those strands have their own texture. Mind you it's one continuous strand wound into a skein. Oh dear, I forgot to have it wound, no matter, I'll break out ye olde nostie, a.k.a. a section of bamboo, and wind up a nice center pull myself. Whoa baby, that's gonna take some effort. Something like 1400 yards of the stuff. I forget the calculations. Will scan a pic asap.

I really should buy one of those crank style ball winders. Oh well. BBL, after I get this stuff wound and knit up a motif/swatch of the stuff. I think even if I don't quite have enough I can get some more(different color, maybe a nice dark green, mmmmm) from Imagiknit. Still, a single motif will make it so I can calculate how much I need for a single shawl. Lots and lots of yarn overs, and a nice loose vibe to the motif should mean it's enough for a small shawl, but I had better triple check.



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